Monday, February 23, 2009


My research area for my graduate studies is in educational psychology. Could you suggest what particular variables I can investigate on? After some experience with Singapore mathematics, I am exploring to investigate its effectiveness in learning mathematics.
Rochelle, a teacher in the Philippines
If you are considering experimental studies then you might investigate the effects of the concrete/pictorial/abstract approach on mathemnatics learning which could include achievement in procedural tasks, familiar problem-solving tasks and novel problem-solving tasks. You may choose a unit of study for the experiment. You can compare the results to (a) a comparable control group being taught in the so-called traditional way and (b) the same experimental group being taught a different unit in the traditional way (before the experiment). If you are considering case study then you might want to investigate cognitive, metacognitive and affective behavious of students in different grade levels solving problems using the model method. By varying the tasks systematically, you will also be able to investigate task effects. For the first suggestion, the theoretical underpinnings can be found in Piaget and Bruner's work. For the second suggestion, I will see if I can somehow post some studies conducted in Singapore on the model method. You might find useful articles in the journal The Mathematics Educator. See

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