I really enjoyed your presentations at the conference in Vegas. I'm curious about one of the books you mentioned and perhaps where I could find it. You said there is a book for the Foundations Mathematics Program.
Karen, 5th grade math teacher in Austin, Texas
By the end of Primary 4, students who have not acquired adequate basic foundational knowledge are recommended to do an alternate program. This is referred to as Foundation Mathematics, offered to Grades 5 and 6 students. Less than 10% of Singapore students do this program. This program help students review a lot of Grades 1 to 4 materials in an age-appropriate manner with some Grades 5 and 6 topics included. This program is suitable for US Grades 5 and 6 students who have not had Singapore Math background. The books are available at http://www.singaporemath.com/Math_Works_Coursebook_5A_p/mwc5a.htm. There are two textbooks (5A and 5B for Grade 5) and two workbooks per grade level.